Letter to Radio Station RE: “Love Has Come” by Mark Schultz

Dave’s Letter to Praise FM Regarding the Song “Love Has Come” by Mark Schultz

Praise FM (95.3) “is a listener supported worship and prayer focused radio station serving the Twin Cities, Central Minnesota, Eastern South Dakota, South Eastern North Dakota and Africa through radio broadcasts, and serving the world through live internet broadcasts.” The following is a copy of a letter sent by Dave to Praise FM concerning the song, “Love Has Come,” by Mark Schultz.


Dear Alex and David,

I really appreciate Praise FM. I’ve been listening for a little over a year and have found that your station really does usher me into God’s presence. I love to wake up to 95.3. Your ministry has been a blessing to me and a great encouragement to the Twin Cities and beyond.

Because your music and the commentary by the hosts is so Christ-centered, I felt like I wanted to send some feedback about a song that in my opinion does not line-up with the truth of the scriptures. The song is “Love Has Come” by Mark Schultz.

I’ve reprinted some of the lyrics below and want to suggest to you that they more closely resemble Universalism than they do the truth of the gospel. This repeated chorus, concerning the end of the age, is especially troubling:

Every heart set free, every one will see
God is love and love has come for us all

This statement leaves listeners with the impression that the end of the age will be a joyful and happy time for all people. Every heart will be set free when “love” comes for us all.

Jesus taught differently as I am sure you know. “Many” will enter the gate that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:14). Those who do not obey the Son shall not see life, but shall experience the wrath of God (John 3:36). Jesus will send some to eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46). That every heart will be set free at the end of the age is, in my opinion, a dangerously false statement.

This verse also stood out to me:

For anybody who has ever lost a loved one
And you feel like you had to let go too soon
I know it hurts to say goodbye
But don’t you know it’s just a matter of time till the tears are gonna end
You’ll see them once again and in that moment . . .

Again, it suggests to the listener that all people will be saved and reunited with loved ones at the end of the age. In reality, it is true only of those who belong to Christ.

Finally, this repeated verse takes great liberties with Philippians 2:10:

Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
That God is love and love has come for us all

The text says “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow . . . and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” (ESV) To take the words of a familiar text and insert other words seems like a very wrong use of the Bible.

Thanks for considering my feedback. God bless you as you serve the Lord and encourage His people.

In Him,



The lyrics to this song can be seen in full here.